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I was never impressed by Microsoft this whole generation. In fact, no one has impressed me really out of the 3 companies in terms of what they have to offer. No one, including Nintendo, has what the PS2 had last generation.
The PS2 had:
A. The biggest games library.
B. The best exclusive games.
C. The biggest install base/ selling the best.

This generation its like this:
A. Xbox360
B. PS3(opinion I KNOW!) But as far as best selling in recent history, Sony still has the best exclusives as of now. (FF,MGS4,GT5,Tekken,etc.)
C. The Wii by far.

With the 360's higher install base/ lower price they still haven't been able to obtain the other two important factors. They've done well in acquiring some big hitters straight from Sony including DMC4, GTA4, etc, but they still haven't acquired the broad appeal that makes people think of the Xbox360 as THE console to have. Its was on the way in America, but the Wii's popularity and the PS3's lineup knocked the 360 back down from its domninant position.

I STILL believe the 360's mistake was advertising as an alternative to the PS3 and not trying to look for NEW ways to appeal to gamers. Saying your a better alternative to the PS3 which at the time was doing shiit poor, well thats a way to get people on the ropes to jump but not those mainstream people who dont want to blow $300 unless you are damn well convincing.

I still don't think anything this generation has been worth the upgrade from last. I admit thus far the 360 has been better. But even being better its no where near what I thought we would be seeing in 2008. Thats why I always defend the PS3. Even though at this point its no better than the 360, the future may bring that something that we all have been looking for with the Cell and other specs. If not, the PS3 will the biggest failure of all, boasting power to "cure cancer" and play games "at 1080p 120FPS", yet still being incapable of running games as smoothly as the much less powerful spec-wise 360.

And thats where I stand. Someone will bash it as people always do on this site, and i'll cry and feel like an idiot like I always do.