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I've listened to this (multiple times) during my long and dull hours as an overnight stocker. Fascinating and immensely entertaining read if you're into 80's/90's era gaming, Sega/Nintendo, or just the industry at all. 

I thought I knew it all regarding gaming history but even I learned plenty of new things. It's crazy just how much Sega and Nintendo despised eachother and how much they were at eachother's throats (especially on the Sega side)

As a Nintendo guy through and through I felt it focused too much on Sega and portrayed them a bit too much in the "heroic, scrappy underdog" light a t times while often making Nintendo appear the evil or at least indifferent giant corporation but overall an excellent read/listen.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden