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Seven Deadly Sins: Yaaaaay!

King/Diane is canon! Woo! No more dumb drama please, just let them be together happily forever.

Kind of a weird twist with Oslow being that Ban looking dude from the backstory. Happy...but weird.

And now everyone is back together again! Yayyy...  

Now that arc is finally over and my OTP was confirmed, I feel like I finally got what I wanted out of this manga. Ideally, I'll keep getting stuff to root for, but I'm worried I'll care even less now that my favorite characters will fall into the background again. I suppose I'll keep reading it when I'm bored enough, but I honestly can't think of much else keeping me engaged. Maybe extra Ban story? I suppose I'm curious about Escanor, maybe that's enough. We'll see...

Fairy Tail: Sooooon...

Zeref evolves into White Zeref.

White Zeref learned Convoluted Villain Goal.

This plan seems stupid. What was Mavis even going to to do before she lost easily. Gosh.

Well...I'm hoping Natsu gets his butt kicked, and Lucy comes to save him. It sounds crazy, but the main heroine in Rave Master turned out to be the strongest character in that universe after being the "normal" girl for most of the manga, so it's not totally unprecendented. 

Realistically though, Lucy will probably provide the support Natsu needs to win, cuz Natsu is a lot more perfect than Haru was. Hopefully I'm wrong, would love to see Lucy win the final fight in this manga.   

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334