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It isn't as if Hillary would have made a good President either. We were fucked either way.

But it is laughable that anyone who voted for him would continue to try to defend him, when he has been nothing but a national embarrassment for his first 100+ days. His very election was a national embarassment of historical proportions, that someone like that could quite literally just buy their way with their billions into the White House, and do so while spewing what essentially boils down to the most vile, ignorant rhetoric that any US Presidential Candidate has run on, as in OPENLY stating, in a very long time.

And the worst part of the joke is, I don't believe he ever actually WANTED to be President, much less actually believed he would win. Everyone thought Her Majesty was going to win. And instead, what we get is the lowest voter turnout in decades, leading to his "Supporters" actually managing to put that clown in office.

"We won't get taxed to death". lol

No. RICH people won't get taxed. Your tax situation will literally either remain unchanged, or get worse. And meanwhile, while the nation blows money on a wall no one with intelligence ever wanted nor asked for, he is trying to strip away protections, regulations, environmental standards, etc., not in the interests of the common American (because all of that is AGAINST our interests), but rather, in the interests of himself and his super-rich friends and allies.

The dude hasn't even been in office half a year, and he's already doing everything he can to erode our international ties, to stoke war, to destroy massive progress made on BADLY needed environmental changes, etc. etc. etc. And it isn't even as if he is some diabolical villain. He's just a spoiled, rich jerkoff with a big mouth, trying to help out his own business interests with Presidential power, and stroking his ego, as a rich kid who grew up being used to getting away with saying/doing whatever the hell he felt like. THAT is the guy in our "most powerful office in the land".

But yeah, "at least now we don't get taxed to death". Right.

What's going to be truly hilarious, is that if this dude gets impeached, it's not even going to be the spineless coward Democrats that pull that trigger. It'll be the Republican Party that never WANTED him to be their nominee in the first place. They'll impeach him, because even as corrupt as they are, they know he's bad for THEIR interests. Now that's some food for thought.