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Cock-up Cascade: an unbroken chain of bad decisions, usually resulting in the creation of something that is bad in theory and even worse in practise.

100 Days have passed.  The results are in: the only way to describe the Trump Regime’s performance is to use the definition provided above.  Some people said to give him a chance, but the honeymoon period is now over and thus far the Regime has only showcased failure, incompetence, corruption and malice. 

Don’t believe me?  Time for a review!

There are, at present, 286 independent reports of corruption within the Regime.  Feel free to scroll down and click each of them for more details if you wish to verify the sources for yourself: 

All major legislation has failed.  Not one, but two travel bans struck down in court, a result entirely self-inflicted.  Thanks to Giuliani blurting out to the media that it was Trump’s attempt at a legal Muslim Ban , not to mention how poorly written it was, it naturally didn’t go very far thanks to things like the US Constitution.  Repealing the ACA also backfired, the replacement somehow achieving a sad 17% approval --it says a lot when they are so desperate to get something done that the objective is pass something that almost everyone hates.  Finally, the crackdown on “Sanctuary Cities” was struck down in the courts as well.  With each failure, the Dealmaker vented his rage on Twitter—as is tradition.  What isn't tradition is accomplishing so little in the first 100 days.

Naturally, the People were pissed.  Awarding Mr. Trump with historically low approval ratings and astonishingly high disapproval ratings  , they forced his hand.  In order to win support, he’d have to abandon his “America First” philosophy   and start killing people overseas.  The result?  A Jimmy-Cartered Yemen Raid that accomplished nothing, a civilian death toll exceeding the cumulative total of Obama’s , escalating tensions with Russia and North Korea in addition to the Middle East, the detonation of the biggest non-nuclear explosive America has (to kill only 94 people ), and, according to Russian officials, only 23 out of 59 American-launched missiles hit an empty Syrian air field that was used hours later  .

It was expensive.  It was ineffective.  It was, with respect to the final example, something that undermined America’s claim to be the oldest Constitutional Republic in the world (That claim is wrong; The Republic of San Marino has the US beat by over 150 years).  By ordering the strike without Congressional approval , Mr. Trump overstepped his own bounds and possibly broke the law in the process.

This was not the only incident that undermined America’s claim to be a Constitutional Republic, however: the GOP, despite holding a majority, decided to use the Nuclear Option to avoid a filibuster on their Supreme Court nominee  Combined with Mr. Trump’s Constitutional violations (, America no longer has legitimate claim to being a Constitutional Republic.  Henceforth I shall refer to it as “West Korea”, either until due process removes the despotic tyrannical wannabe from office or until Mr. Trump stops running things like Kim-Jong Un.

As to be expected, the international community rolled its eyes, did a facepalm and lost respect for the Declining Kiddie in the Swill.  Oh, and lost respect for that other thing that Reagan said—the Shining City on a Hill.  Internationally, Mr. Trump has been a complete embarrassment.  Hanging up on the Australian President because that’s what being “Presidential” is, apparently.  Refusing to shake Merkel’s hand  Being put in his place by the Canadian Prime Minister  (though, as a former school teacher, Trudeau would have some experience with how to deal with bullies), and being briefed on the North Korea situation by the Chinese .

Maybe if  Mr. Trump’s intelligence briefings contained more than 1/4th of Obama’s and actually contain nuance or dissenting information (, he wouldn’t need to be coached by a foreign power.  Maybe if Mr. Trump hadn’t taken 1.4 vacations a week since his coronation, he’d have had the time to learn what it takes to do his job.  The German Chancellor shouldn’t have to explain the fundamentals of trade eleven times to a world leader .   Who knew that being the Beloved Leader of West Korea could be so hard?

“Nobody knew health care could be so complicated. “ –Mr. Trump, after the Republicare debacle.

“After listening for ten minutes, I realized its not so easy.  “ Mr. Trump, on the Chinese President explaining the North Korea situation.

But things are looking up, right?  He has a team who can steer him on the right path?  Nope.  Hundreds of Cabinet positions have yet to be filled (this is the first time since the 1700’s that a President hasn’t performed this most basic of duties), his Cabinet is crammed with billionaires and millionaires while historically lacking in experience  (AKA The Swamp), and his inner circle is in chaos (not to mention the impeachment of President Bannon  ). 

Kremlingate has already caused Mr. Trump’s National Security Advisor to resign ( ) (he later offered to testify in exchange for immunity from the FBI and according to him, that is a sign that he is probably guilty of committing a crime )  , Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself of the investigation into the former ( ) and may have perjured himself during a Congressional Hearing  …now the FBI is investing them and  while the FBI investigate them and their Beloved Leader  From sea unto sea, people everywhere are chanting ‘lock them up!’--as is to be expected when Federal agents look into the possibility that the Trump Regime is an agent of a foreign power.

In the meantime, a video documenting the Regime’s actual successes (somewhat): 

Finally, for Fiscal Conservatives out there, the costs of his vacations is ballooning, his budget is inflating the military at the expense of virtually everything else (despite the military budget already the world’s largest by a light year ) and his tax “plan” shifts trillions into the pockets of the wealthiest but contains no plan to prevent a deficit

The Trump Regime is a cock-up cascade and the world knows it.  But hey, at least the TPP is dead, right?  

In honour of the many, many catastrophic failures in the Trump regime and the constant leaks from concerned staffers  , I rate Mr. Trump’s regime…

Seven out of ten hull breaches.


After 100 Days of Trump, I couldn’t find a more appropriate little vid to cap off this review, so here it is:

(A Vote for Trump is Indefensible: