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Hello! I'm a competitive 1's player in Halo wars 2, getting to top 10 on the leaderboards. Halo Wars 2 just recently got a patch, and my baby Anders is a lot stronger. Most people I've played against don't think she's that good though. I want to hear some other people's thoughts.

Before I describe Anders, let me describe the big changes to the whole cast. Jackrabbits are now much worse, and going marines seems to be enough to counter them. (Still need to test redline rabbits though) Therefore, infantry is much much stronger now. Anders with her R&D can buy infantry tier 1, and grenade throw faster and cheaper, which is her advantage. I feel she could struggle against cutter's faster infantry, and kinsano's redline and heat of battle leader abilities. As for Colony... I'm not sure yet. lol I've had about 5 games with colony, he seems underwhelming to me.

what do you guys think? Can anders be op like in halo wars 1? Or at least usable?