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KBG29 said:
NewGuy said:

Sony doesn't make laptops anymore and honestly should be out of TVs and possibly phones. Why the hell would a car audio play playstation? Lol wth?

I actually think a theoretical PS4 Portable should be a high end tablet (at least for launch, it has to be high end) with a gamevice/switch like peripheral (A DS4 split apart like one of those old patents). That is actually what the recent Sony patent shows. The theoretical PS4P should allow the user to easily and seamless access the android OS so that they can use the device for non gaming purposes and google play games. Yes, it should be a dual boot machine. Sony is not capable of developing an OS close to what you can get with Android, IOS or Windows. Even if they could, they are so behind that it's not worth the effort.

Currently they don't make Laptops or Tablets, because they were making Windows and Android based devices no one wanted. The masses are not going to pay twice the price for a device, even if it offers twice the battery life, twice the reliability, and the best display on the market if it is running the same software. 

Not sure why you think they should get out of the TV business. Sure the Android TV OS they are using is absolute garbage, but the TVs themselves are easily the best in picture quality.  The Z9D is by far the best TV I have seen, and the A1E OLED they are just rolling out is only a tick behind that. Even their lower end stuff is exceptional. They are basically at price parity with or cheaper than Samsung and LG.

I know I am probably the only one in the world that enjoys gaming this much, but I think it would be totally awesome to be able to pull into work on a day with light traffic, and have a half hour to game on a 12" display, straight from my deck. I would keep two DS4's in the car just incase I had someone along and we wanted to bust into a little local multiplayer. 

I don't agree with the whole dual boot idea. Sony products should run on a Sony OS, and offer the ability to work with other OSs through a PSN connected app. The worst thing about the Bravia TVs and the Xperia Phones is the garbage Android OS that they run on. The Bravias were much better 2014 and earlier on the old Sony OS, and the Vita OS is way better than Android on Xperia, except for the fact that every app has been stripped from it.

Sony needs to bring all of their devices to the PS4 OS. Android and Windows has wrecked havok on every Sony division they have touched. Sony needs to build 100% Sony products, and bring as much outside software support in as possible, and play really nice with the other OSs. There is very little desire for Sony products running on these OSs, because it does not matter how much better your hardware is when it is restricted to an unoptimized OS. Thus Android and Windows fans have little interest in Sony products, nor Sony fans don't want watered down Sony products. Sony needs to build devices that have Hardware, Software, and the OS all engineered and optimized to the same level.

No one wanted SONY windows and android devices. A lot of people want windows and android devices, just not Sony's. All you have to do is look at the marketshare to know that people do want those OS in their hardware.

LOL if you think Vita OS - or Sony OS - is way better than Android. I have had both and it's not even comparable. The VitaOS is okay for a gaming device, but garbage for an all purpose device. It's not even debatable. You're suggesting Sony goes all closed ecosystem and tries to pull an apple. You probably liked the proprietary sd cards the vita had.

We can agree to disagree, because I'm not gonna convince you and you're not gonna convince me. I would not buy a dedicated gaming handheld. A gaming handheld - to me - would have to function as a tablet. And I expect the latest and greates from a tablet. That would be iOS, android, or windows. Without that, it's dead to me. You feel diffferently and that's fine. 

A 7nm is probably 2-3 years away, which would line up with Xavier, which is when this thing would be feasible for a reasonable price point and battery life.