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On another forum recently (that I frequent), a new female gamer joined. The excitement was palpable. Every bloke on the forum were falling over themselves to post some form of innuendo, in some vain attempt to impress the girl.

When she mentioned that she was bi-sexual, it went into overdrive. The use the crude vernacular from my neighbourhood, the blokes were like a dog with 2 dicks - they didn't know which one to lick first (sorry if that is offensive).

So, yes, my experience is that many males on forums do get very excited by the thought of a woman in the mix - kind of like the Futurama episode, where Lela is inside the internet and crashes a room of geeks.

Footnote to the story - the woman I referenced in my story, by a massive coincidence, turned out to be working for someone I knew and I subsequently did meet her.