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I am a liberal libertarian who voted for Trump, essentially as a protest vote. It was the first time I ever voted republican. I voted for John Kerry in 2004 and Obama in 2008 partly because of a liberal rhetoric I've had pounded into my head as a naive teenager from my very liberal parents as well as my univeristy, but mainly because of a genuine hatred I had - and still have - to the neocons. Sat out 2012 because both candidates were so mediocre. Over time I realized my biggest beef wasn't necessarily with conservatives but rather with Authoritarianism. I then realized that while the right sort of held the authoritarian mantle back in the 90's/early 2000's (their religious right, pro war, Patriot Act, "either with us or against us/ potentially anyone is a terrorist" etc etc bs), the left was begining to overtake that crown in the last 3-4 years with their cries of racism/sexism, attempts to silence free speech, banning speakers at universities, gamergate, "safe spaces," SJWs, many supporting an authoritarian like HRC, etc.. I then started to see that the left had become everything I once hated on the right - and more. I realized they had fast become the flip side of the same damn coin, and maybe even worse in some ways..

I essentially knew (or at least strongly suspected) Trump was going to be a horrible president but my strong distain of the corrupt Democrats (cheating my candidate Bernie Sanders was the final straw) and the SJWs/PC crowd who would rather silence free speech than have their feelings hurt, essentially coaxed me into voting for him as a big fuck you to all of them. And as long as they remain pissed off and he continues to baffle and anger the mainstream media and snobby coastal elites - who I also despise - honestly, I won't regret it for one second.. It's worth it. I also enjoy the fact that he tore Jeb Bush a new onein a debate - a family that I hate as much as the Clintons. I look at it this way - things were obviously already horrible in America, and the opposition must have been incredibly weak for a buffoon like Trump to win out in the first place.. How much worse can things get than they already are? Our economy is shit, media has become a massive propaganda force not unlike a fascist state where dissent is snuffed out and/or ridiculed, and neoliberalism along with the military industrial complex has essentially created a clandestine empire that exploits third world countries. The gap between the rich and poor in the US has reached an astromomical level, the top 1% owns like 95% of the wealth while people are struggling to get by working two jobs, American industry and the rust belt is in shambles, an entire generation of millenials is burried in debt and many (including myself) are essentially indentured to the government for life via student loans.

All of this occured looong before Trump entered the political scene.. How much worse can things get? Give the guy some time, who knows? Maybe he'll actually improve some things. After all, he's only run the course of roughly 4-8% the duration of his entire term thus far.. The economy is what's most important to me, and as a business man, maybe he'll actually know how to right the ship, or at least steer it in the right direction. I'm not about to act like he actually cares about the American masses, but I'm sure he cares about improving America's economy to a certain degree, even if his goal is to only benefit himself. 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden