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I don't know what to say, to be honest.  Forget the Presidential election.  All the way back to the Republican nominations, it was obvious that he didn't know anything about the issues.  He never gave details or went over his plans.  He made vague promises like forcing Mexico to pay for his wall.  

He wouldn't tell us how he was going to fix healthcare, either.  THEN he gets into office and says something about healthcare being more complicated than he thought?  The hell was he doing to prepare for being President?  Even then, despite his promises to fix healthcare, all he did was hand the ball off the Paul Ryan.  

And why did his supporters not care about his sketchy plans?  

I just don't understand the blind trust.

spurgeonryan said:
Sadly now the next president does not have to be a great catch either. He or she can just be mediocre and still win. Which means we are stuck in hell for at least four more years after trump as well.

Or we will have huge change again and someone terrible like Paul Ryan will run. What is he? Right wing nut? Or is considered some other form of extremist?

The scary thing is that Trump showed us how to win and I wouldn't blame anyone for following that blueprint.

Don't give details.  Make vague, impressive sounding promises.  Make threats such as how you're going to send your opponent to jail when you get elected.  Tell everyone you're going to change government even when you're just going to bring in more of the same.  Blame the media for EVERYTHING, even when there is footage of you doing something wrong.  Call your opponent bad names constantly--even though it sounds childish, it works.

It's perfect for winning over the masses.  People would be foolish not to use the same tactics.