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Soundwave said:
Pinkie_pie said:

it doesnt make sense having people working on a switch version while the ps4 version isnt finished. its best to work hard and get the ps4 version done first then they can start thinking of porting it to the switch. why waste more time by having a second team working on a switch version now when the game isnt near finished and its a ps4 timed exclusive?

Who knows what the timed exclusive window is. It could be 3 months. You need to have product to sell, Switch is red hot and is going to crush the PS4 in Japan. It warrants being taken seriously by Japanese devs as much as you might not like it. 

This is the Nintendo system that is far more ideal for third parties than any other -- it has portability which is where Nintendo's larger audience is, it isn't an overly casual/gimmick centric system, while the power isn't high it's not nearly as lop-sided as Wii to PS3/360 or 3DS to well anything else was. You can reasonably have versions of game franchises on it that weren't even remotely doable in the past. 

Hell, not only FF7R ... Kingdom Hearts 3 should also be in strong consideration for Switch as well, if not full on development as well. 

we will just wait and see. im highly doubtful there would be a switch version of ff7 remake or even kingdom hearts 3. im just glad i have a ps4 so i wont be missing out on any of the square enix AAA games.