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StarOcean said:
Nautilus said:

Yeah, its pretty bad here.Though I get the impression that they are a bit exagerated outside of the country.I mean, people live here and many manage to die of old age.Actually there is a funny story:My Aunt ended up marrying an Austrian guy.But for the cerimony, they came to Brazil, along with his family, and they all stayed in my Aunts house.Everything was going fine.But as the days passed, my Aunt mother-in-law never took a shower.Finding it strange, she asked her husband what was wrong and then he asked his mother.She said that she heard back in Austria that the water here was all contaminated and if she took a shower or drank water from the sink, would get terribly sick.So of course the husband smacked some sense into her and all went back to normal.Though that was some 30 years ago, its interesting to hear about that, because people still have some misconceptions about here.Though I recommend that, if you ever come to larger cities, like Sao Paulo or Rio, to come with someone that knows those cities.

But I do travel alot and its not rare for me to travel to Miami.Where are you from?

Right now Im living in Ohio XD a bit north of Florida!

EDIT: I get what your grandma was coming from. Certain water, depending on the country can make you sick. But the sickness is more or less just stomach cramps. Nothing major!

Oh, just a bit far then! XD

Oh, it was not even that.Its was just baseless conjecture and rumours that usually people from Europe, US and first world in general have about third world countries.I dont know if you have watched, but its basically like that Simpsons episode when they go to Rio(I think thats the city they go to).All untrue and based on silly fears people tend to have about places they dont know about.But I cant blame them.I mean, I have the same "racism" for countries in Africa for example.

Anyways, this is getting a bit off topic.If by any chance I travel to Ohio one day, Ill be sure to give you a heads up!

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.