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StarOcean said:

VGPolyglot said:
! It's a good thing you didn't continue with that! Though, with your parents being so strict, I can kind of understand why you've had so many weird relationships now. Did you have them in secrecy, or did they know? Also, has your birthday happened yet this year? I'm just wondering if you're 1 year or 2 years older than me.

Yep, thats why! They were all in secrecy, not even my friends knew, which made what I did especially dangerous since this individual did once offer to pay for my plane ticket to "visit". 

Jan 28th, so already had it

My parents were kind of the opposite, they always joked about me getting a girlfriend and everytime I talked to a girl they'd talk about her becoming my girlfriend when all I wanted was just a normal friend. So, being the shy person I am, I've never even had one or never even attempted to.

It's good that you didn't take up his offer on the plane ticket, it's scary t think what would've happened had you accepted.

Also, my birthday's May 3rd, so you're only one year older than me! Though it seems like you've experienced so much more!