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Playing Weezer's Undone (The Sweater Song) on Audiosurf.

The first half is so calm and easy.  It picks up around the 2 minute mark and then when it amps up again at the 4 minute mark, my whole world is brightly colored blocks.  That last minute seems to last forever.


In the Fallout 4 Nuka World DLC, there is a raider faction known as The Pack.  They wear brightly colored clothing and act like hipsters pretending to be animals.  There are also cat NPCs.

Once, when I was attacking a group of enemies with The Pack as my allies, I saw one of them split off.  Puzzled, I jumped on a wall to get a better view.  From there, I simply watched in mute fascination as this particular member of The Pack chased after a cat while howling and waving a pink baseball bat with saw blades attached.  They eventually disappeared into the horizon but, before that, I felt like I finally understood life in general.