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Modern feminism is against the women, it harms women, it allies with the very people that oppress them the most, like the Sharia Law Feminists, which want Sharia Law to be the norm, even knowing that Sharia Law is oppressive against women.
Leftists, globalists and most atheists love the feminists, do not think they are evil at all.

Edit: Just after writting it I remembered how Christppher Hitchens HATED feminism and had brilliant articles and rants against it. I take that off.

Most young girls get into feminism having no idea what are they getting into, most young boys do it to please the girls, they are not evil, but naive.
Puppets are never evil, when we say feminism and globalism is evil, we are talking about the puppeteers behind these Agendas, not the good hearted people that fall into it without knowing what they are really supporting.
A simple example is: in real life everyone can see that most men love women, almost worship them, almost fear them, would do anything to please them. In the Agenda they hate women and there should be a neverending gender wars.
The hidden objectives of the puppeteers are evil, destruction of family, sovereignty of the nations and the value of half of the mankind. Unspeakable evil disguised as the most noble of the causes: the protection of the beautiful and precious women.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.