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I have said countless times that I will buy a PS3 (after a slim version, MGS4, LBP, FFXIII and RE5 are released) So it should be quite clear that I do not want the PS3 to fail.

So to go into detail about why I said what I said.

Alot of movies and television shows have completely sold out to the companies that advertise with them. It started out subtle, having characters drink Coca cola or what have you, however now it is becoming increasingly blatant, and I believe this had destroyed the integrity of these media.

I do not wish to see the same happen to video gaming, which is having enough trouble being recognised as an art form in the same way that movies and music are.

So, after you take back you description of me as a fanboy, we must consider - "how can we ensure that this advertising remains subtle, and does not ruin otherwise great games"

Imperial: I tire of you, you happen to like Playstation developers more than Nintendo developers... Good for you, now leave.