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Normchacho said:
SvennoJ said:
Yes I give up too, it's amaing. I don't care about the invisible walls anymore, too busy enjoying all the sights and things to do in the desert. 30 hours in, lvl 35, still 'on the way' to Meridian.

Where do I find rats btw? Maybe I'm always missing them, I need rat bones so I can finish the upgrades and be done with hunting, clear out some of my inventory.

Great to see you're enjoying the game, the story really picks up later on and I'm interested to hear your take on it.

I'm curious as well if the story can get me interested. As with any open world games I've switched off the story for now while exploring the map. The last story mission was over 20 game hours ago. There must be plenty plot to go through after Meridian as every extremity I explore on the map ends in closed off areas. According to the stats I'm at 52% completion. Exploration and upgrades must count heavily for that.