Pavolink said:
estebxx said: I know this is just a joke thread in response to BraLod thread but still... Sony going third party is a very stupid idea, i mean Sonys biggest strenght is being a platform with the strongest third party support, its the only console that has both STRONG Japanese and western third party support, the Xbox is dead when it comes to getting japanese games, and the Switch is almost as dead when it comes to getting third party western games like Titanfall, COD, Battlefield, Red Dead Redemption, Doom etc. So far PS is the only console that can give me games like Titanfall 2, GTA V, Doom, and others along with games like Neptunia, Tales of, Nier Automata and Persona 5. |
You'll get all of those games on a PC, with better performance, plus all the PC exclusives games.
Win-win situation.
1) Read again Bro
2) I have a PC and i dont use it much because i like consoles more, if i have a console alternative to play those games i WILL use it everytime.
3) PC doesnt have Persona 5 :D