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SegataSanshiro said:

"Sony was the first console to bring cameras" My two SEGA DreamEye's disgagrees with you. "Motion control to consoles" I'm sorry the NES U-Force and Powerglove and the SEGA Activator are laughing.  "Microsoft revolutionized the console markets online play" No Dreamcast did,plus every single Nintendo console has online even Famicom,Famicom even had DLC as did SNES and N64. Genesis and SNES had online play as well. SOme good matches with Street Fighter II back then. "Sony introduced Remote play via it's handheld" I'm sorry Super Game Boy,SEGA Nomad,Turbo Express and Game Boy Player have a hard time hearing you.  "You could also use Vita as a second screen" Yes Something I could do with Dreamcast with it's Neo Geo pocket link or Gamecube with GBA. Oh and Dreamcast VMU which Sony copied with Sony PocketStation which I do also own.


"This will be the last Nintendo home console." Yes they said that about NES,SNES,N64,Gamecube,Wii,Wii U etc..." Yeah I was there for all of it and all the media and analysts predicting this is the end for Nintendo. Forever doomed since 1889.

Your entire post is wrong and stupid but I only focused on the extra dumb parts of the post.

The Dreamcast may have been the first to have a rudimental online structure, but there's no denying that MS revolutionized console online gaming with XBox Live. Making it easy to use, practical, and made it a key element of the console itself. It made it an infrastructure that has now been mimicked by the other consoles. There was no such thing on the Dreamcast.