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LurkerJ said:
irstupid said:

You still don't get it. Religion is not a science, it is not a hypothesis. Someone religious is not putting out some theory that God exists and trying to prove it like scientists do for their theories. They just believe. A believer does not care about proof or not. They have faith, or believe. Proof is contrary to that. They don't need proof and don't desire to find proof. If you need proof to believe in God, you do not beleive in God. 

You and other non-believers seem to care about proof that he exists or not. Thus if you want that proof, then it's up to you to go and get that proof one way or another. 

I mean, let's assume I agree (I don't)...

Believers don't just "believe". They believe, they preach, they impose, they tell others what to do, who to marry, and so on. I don't give two shits what you believe in as long as you keep to yourself. I am not gonna ask for proof if it's all what you do is "believing", but that's rarely the case. 

How often do you experience someone trying to convert you? I'm guessing are referencing seeing something on the media of people trying to push their homosexual beliefs on others.

In my life I have more people try to say how evil I am for eating meat or some other essentially religion of theirs, thing than anyone talking about an actual religion period.

There was some study done that found that people "need" some sort of religion to feel satisfied/fullfilled/ect. Now when I say religion, I don't mean as in the classical religion of Christianity, Islam, Jeduism, ect, but taking something and making it their religion. That could be anything from pushing your paleo/vegan/ect diet onto someone, to pushing that said video game consoel is the best console in the world. Sports are to many their religion.

It isn't just religion that people try to force their beliefs onto others. I mean how hard do you see others on this site try and convince others that said console is the best console. They can't just enjoy their console in peace, they need to make sure that others also like their same console and/or games. God forbid you trash it, or give it a bad review.