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JWeinCom said:

Every book has good and bad parts, but not every book claims divine origin.  If I'm reading a secular book on morality, I'm free to say "oh I like this" or "that's stupid". When you're dealing with a book that is supposedly divine, you don't have that option.  If an all powerful perfect being wrote the book, directly or indirectly, then you can't just throw out the parts you don't find appealing.  If yahweh is the perfect being, and he created the old testament through his scribes, then you can't just throw out the parts you don't like.  

As for "it's up to the individual", why does the individual need to concern himself with any of these books?  There are truly vile ideas contained in all three books (I actually think the New Testament is far worse than the old) and the best way to take away the power of these ideas is to question the whole institution.  The attitude of "there's nothing wrong with the religion, it's all just a misinterpretation" makes it harder to challenge the institutions. 

Just because a book claims divinity does not mean I have to treat it as such, that is my decision not the books decision, so yes I do have that option. This actually goes along with my point since if there is someone willing to commit viscious acts (baby in a microwave for example) in the name of religion then they have a problem with their brain. Or we could just blame religion and just act like the lady who put her baby in the microwave would be mentally stable if not for religion. Also, you can't throw out parts you don't find appealing? The New Testament and King James Bible come to mind immediately?

Why does the individual need to concern him/herself with any of these books? They don't need to, they choose to.

Honestly, if religion disappeared violence will still take place. Literally anything can be used as a catalyst for violence and religion just so happens to have the most awareness. I don't think it really matters if there is someone who read a book about a divine frog that said all people in Turkmenistan should die, it is still up to the individual to depict reality.

It would be pretty hard to argue that a peaceful mind would suddenly turn evil after reading a book.