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America is not the gold standard for many things except the military right now @gtaguidelng. China will soon be the largest economy in all metrics and it already is in a number of metrics. They are also investing more in science, engineering and advancement while USA is decreasing its funding to EPA, education, NASA and science. They will soon be taking that crown from the USA if they haven't already. Are you looking at what China is doing in all sorts of departments. Education in like 40+ countries is better than USA and healthcare in USA is a joke and in some aspects is worse than countries like Pakistan and India which are not gold standards in any way. It still does have some of the best universities in the world but they are private and they are the best according to old metrics so who knows what'll happen in that department in the very near future. Infrastructure is a joke in USA and poverty and gun voilence are big problems still. So all USA really has going for it is its military might and being the largest economy. It is basically that rich guy with huge muscles that comes to the gym only to mock other people

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also