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taus90 said:

I agree no religion teaches to hate, infact it keeps most of the peopl in check of doing much more worst act in fear of god.. and if it was not for religion these terrorist would have found some other reason to commit these crime and it would have been far worst.

Talking about Jainism, I agree jainisim is a purest form of religion along with buddism, but again its the people how they interepret it.. e.g. where i live jain's are thought the people who eat non veg and where leather are evil, and forgiving them is an act of kindness, also if you are an athiest from any reglion, a person without belief they are looked down upon.. again this is all made up by people on the basis of their interpretation.

Yep. It's joked that extremist Jain's terrorise people with kindness, lol. Atheist from any religion? Are you refering to not believing in the God of whatever culture/society one is apart of?