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LurkerJ said:
Eagle367 said:

I'm outraged that those attacks were carried out in the first place. Most people here are. Dropping bombs on Syria and Afghanistan so damn stupid. Also I'm pretty sure Obama wouldn't call killing Osama bin Ladin killing Mulah Umar. Its not like Iran and Iraq where the difference is one letter. Also stop talking about a cake like you want to have sex with the thing you're the President of the world's largest military and the largest state sponsored terrorism so act like it. I mean George Bush was a bumbling idiot but Drumpf sounds like he has a weird fetish where he wants to coopulate with inanimate objects. First the wall and now a cake? He cares more about what store is selling ivanka merch than the lives of american citizens let alone Syrian ones that you people don't even consider lives at all. Be a world destroying lunatic but have at least George Bush levels of dignity

I don't think even Hillary would've been worse than GWB, let alone Trump.

Trump can admire that piece of chocolate all he wants, I don't care if he jams up the rest of it up his ass, there's no such thing as a weird fetish as long as no one is harmed, you should know that if you are a liberal

Don't quote me back please. Not trying to be disrespectful but I have no energy to deal unjustified outrage, especially with people who actually believe GWB was a better president. Trump got a long long way to outdo GWB 8 years of stupidity.

As I have said before to people I an not a damn liberal I am not even American so my political references are different and everything is different. In fact american liberals are right leaning in the greater world context. And when a world leader wants to have sex with a cake and a wall rather than remember the country it bombed, I have issues with that and I would say that qualifies as being worse than GBW

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also