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Soundwave said:
RolStoppable said:

1. + 3. You really don't see the issue, right? The Saturn was beating the PS1 in Japan, yet only the PS1 got Final Fantasy VII. I've already mentioned that Microsoft managed to buy up JRPGs and Xbox had been doing significantly worse than the PS1 in Japan.

2. Correlation does not mean causation. Final Fantasy VII is the most notable game released at the time, but the immediately ensuing hardware sales comfortably beat the sales of Final Fantasy VII. There was a lot more to this sales increase than Final Fantasy VII.

Playstation was a paper tiger up until late 1997.

Nintendo would've ripped them apart if they had a decent flow of games. N64 was actually demolishing the PSX early on head to head. It's only when the droughts hit the N64 that the tide turned for Sony, otherwise they were eating Nintendo knuckle sandwhiches right and left. 

Hell I think they would have beat Sony WW even with FF taken away (but Dragon Quest would remain), it simply would've been closer. 

Put Final Fantasy on the N64 and it's just a joke. Mario 64, GoldenEye, Zelda: OoT, AND Final Fantasy VII on top of basically all the other third party games being multi-plat?

What the fuck realistically would Sony do? Release a Spyro game? Ohhhh, I'm sure that would've scared Nintendo. 

Nintendo had all the cards. You realize at the time they even outbid Sony for the Star Wars movie franchise? And this is the days before the shitty prequels when Star Wars was like an untouchable thing. They had Kobe Bryant, Ken Griffey Jr., an exclusive DOOM game (when DOOM was the biggest PC franchise), a Starcraft game, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, James Bond, working with DMA Design (the Grand Theft Auto team). They had Rareware of course which is like basically what Naughty Dog is today but they made more games, etc. etc. too. Sony wasn't the only one signing deals. I remember this from way back then and I'm glad this story came out recently, but Nintendo was even actively in discussions for rights to the Harry Potter franchise (as in period) in the late 90s too before it really took off. 

They had some phenomenonal deals then. 

1. Maybe in the United States, but by late 1995 the PS1 was already surpassing the Saturn in sales in Japan, so of course not even considering N64 sales, Japanese developers would have wanted their games on the console

2. The PS1 also had at least 2 Doom games

3. DMA Design released multiple games on the PS1 as well