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fatslob-:O said:
Nem said:

That isnt what i said at all. Science is about evidence. If theres evidence and theres great support of the results of the theory, experiment and evidence, that is the consensus. Not literally everyone. Consensus in science just means it's widely accepted as the truth after peer review because it's uncontested. The reason it's uncontested is because theres no good alternative.

So, empathy is cognitive dissonance. Very well... i'm ok with that dissonance. Theres is ethics in science. Unsafe Human experimentation is unethical. If you don't think so, as i said, feel free to volunteer your life and risk the consequences as i'm sure theres any crazy company out there willing to do that. I'm sure you can understand why that isn't ethical and that is why Eugenics is something that is unethical.

Ideology can get in the way of peer review much like how there's scientists out there who denies any results related between race and IQ not out of logical reason or contrary empirical evidence most of the time even though there are other independent studies that reveals the unpleasant observation but rather it's out of personal princples! That raises some huge objections as to how trustworthy the scientific community really is as quite a few scientists are guilty of this ... 

You only choose to believe that science is inclusive of ethics but it's not so when nazi scientists were doing human experimentation on it's prisoners. We're the nazi scientist's any less of a scientist for collecting valid data through inhumane procedures ? Are you telling me that they aren't contributors to science when they too paved way for medical science ? 


It's fine even if "some" have ideology conflicts, it is irrelevant. What's relevant are the results of the study and if they are legitimate enough to be taken seriously. Besides i don't know what your fixation with this is. You brain can be trained to get better IQ results so i don't even think its related to race at all. All you can extrapolate is circunstancial results.

You seem to treat science as an entity with a will. Science is just a sum of conclusions. It doesn't have a will and is brought forth by people. Good people, have ethics. It's not that one wouldn't be able to throw out ethics, but as i say, we are humans, we empathise. It's all great to take that stance when it's not you beeing experimented on. So, i totally reject that notion. Human experimentation is something that should always be avoided, because every life is singular and precious.