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Pemalite said:
thismeintiel said:

Why the hyperbole?  You're acting like those techs will be 5+ years old when the PS5 launches.  If PS5 does use them, then most likely they would only be 2 years old at that point, plus they would most likely be customized to use some small improvements from the newer tech.  Sure, they will be older and slower then the best of the best, but that's not what buying a $399 console is about.  And it would still be more powerful than the majority of PCs used by gamers.  Just like the PS4 was when it launched.

It's really no different than the Scorpio.  It's already outdated and it hasn't even launched, yet.  Of course, from the way MS is talking, they are going to be pushing this as a premium product, regardless, and at a premium price.  That makes me believe they want to turn a profit on the HW at launch, which is why we will probably be getting a $449-$499 price tag.  Sony, on the other hand, won't mind taking a $50 hit on the PS5, something they have always done.

Vega launches in 2017. Ryzen has already launched.

Next year we get Vega's successor. Navi.
Then in 2019 AMD  will release a successor to Navi.... And in 2020 a successor to that as well.

So the Playstation 5 will be using slow and outdated technology if it's based around Vega and launches in 2020.

As for the CPU, Ryzen should get a refinement next year with the Zen+ core with increased refinements every year after that.

I am a hardware enthusiast. Give me something modern, not old crap. It's why this generation of consoles has been so underwhelming from a hardware standpoint this generation, AMD not iterating fast enough hasn't helped things either. They stagnated with old outdated technology for way to long while their competition kept humming along.

asqarkabab said:

A new revision of the cell would be awesome 

There has already been such a chip.

Regardless, Cell is dead. AMD and Intel left it in the dust in regards to performance a long time ago anyway.

I get you're a HW enthusiast, but maybe you should keep up with HW news. Vega 20 is 2018, which could possibly be put in a PS5 if it gets cheap enough the following year. Navi isn't coming til 2019, now. No way it'll be cheap enough if the PS5 is also coming in 2019.  I agree we may get something better than a Ryzen 1700, though, personally I'm not expecting it.  Also, if you're a HW enthusiast, why care about a console that's built with as much power as they can stick in without going over the $399 price tag? Stick with PC.