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Ka-pi96 said:
binary solo said:

Depends on the terms of the rental agreement obviously. You'd be kinda dumb to sign such a rental agreement, but if you were domb enough to sign it with that sort of condition, then yeah, the landlord would have a defence for forcibly removing you if they have a lawful basis for demanding your departure.

That's how contracts work, you abide by the terms of the contract or you suffer the consequences. If the terms of the United ticket, which represents a contract for service, says that you can be bumped at any time for specified reasons then you are bound by that contract and United is entitled to enforce it. And if necessary to vacate you from their private property possibly be legally justified in using physical force.

And don;t equate United employees with "buddies". They are employed under contract too, which both the employee and United are obliged to comply, and that will include getting them to where they are required to be to do their job. Or to be delivered back to their home after ending their shift under specific terms. Are you wanting to prefer the passenger's rights over the rights of the conditions for the United workers? 

Should United be a lot more organised in managing passenger and staff logitics? No doubt. But that doesn't change the probably lawful rights United has given itself in tickets.

It's actually not...

If there's anything that contravenes actual laws in there then it really doesn't matter what the contract says, those terms aren't binding and shouldn't have consequences (well, maybe for the party that wrote the contract there will be consequences, but they shouldn't be trying to illegally take advantage of people in the first place so...)

It actually is.

Haven't you heard of a bi law? It's where law and order at state or federal level is also handed to operators of travel methods for example security at an airport.

People being taken advantage of illegally? What!!!? Where?

You are taking liberal feel good fluff that has no basis in reality. Time to wake up and live in the world that is, instead of playing make believe.