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You can pick away at semantics for the next month about who was 'right' or 'wrong' - I'd rather leave that to the lawyers, as they're going to be involved at some point, if not already.

But whoever wins that argument, legally or otherwise, it will make no difference to the fact that nobody came out on top in this. United got bad publicity. The security guys got bad publicity. Three of them are now suspended. Dao got injured, and also got some unconnected bad publicity. His patients (remember them?) never got to see their doctor the following day.

Apparently, United have now offered to refund the value of the flight tickets to all of the passengers on that flight in whatever form they prefer. They have also said they will no longer ask police to remove passengers from full flights.

I hope lessons are learned from this, by all airlines, security and passengers. It could have been handled so much better.