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This game has consumed me. It's such a strange paradox of a game that on the one hand is insanely difficult, somewhat repetitive, and progress comes in mere inches, but at the same time I simply can't put down. It plays essentially like a Plants vs Zombies clone where you try to keep waves of enemies at bay as you move forward. The problem is that, aside from being a rougelike which means one death and it's over, it's ENTIRELY too based on chance. You might get an incredibly tough wave of monsters flung at you, or simply won't have strong enough buffs or spells to outlast them. It almost feels like playing a game at the casino, where the odds are just overwhelmingly stacked against you. The best you can realistically hope to achieve is complete a "run", which unlocks a new hero. But then, your next run will be even tougher and longer, and the new heroes aren't even that much better. You can unlock better spells permanently as well, but there's no guarentee you'll have a chance to get them in game and usually have to put in hours upon hours to get the really good ones. 

Yet despite all this frustration, something just keeps compelling me to return to the abuse and try "one more run." The game is like a bad drug. I've already put 40 hours into it and have only unlocked 2 heroes lol.. I've forced myself to remove the card from my Switch console (bought the Gamestop exclusive physical copy) and replace it with Issac. Maybe that'll help me stop haha. I suppose I could also return to Zelda but I just started my fourth divine beast, which I really don't enjoy doing compared to the rest of the game. 

Anyone else been playing this digital drug of a game? What are your thoughts? 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden