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Respectable showing considering it was just a little presentation 2 months away from E3. The tabletop Nintendo Monopoly game could actually be pretty cool. The mobile monopoly game is actually surprisingly fun. Also like what I saw from the SHMUP game. Apparently it's a port, but I've never heard of it.. Sine Mora EX or whatever?

Undecided on whether I'm going to rebuy Minecraft on the Switch, but it is cool that they threw in some Nintendo-exclusive themes for it. Still not convinced on Arms, though it does look more interesting than their last showing. Already sold on Splatoon, but it's looking even better now. And Payday 2?? Wow, that was a random surprise. I really enjoyed the hell out of playing that w/ friends on Steam so I might actually pick this up.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden