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Imaginedvl said:

Really? Did you even read/watch what happened?

First of all it is on the contract for the ticket that he may get removed at this economy class (the ticket) if the plane is full; he knew it and took the risk by buying it... Second, they asked him nicely... And he refused to leave the plane. Then like always in this kind of situation, the airport security removes any person refusing to attempt... And that was far from being "violent" and far from being abnormal... If the guy would not have resisted like crazy, he would not have getting hurt... That's his own fault, they cannot just ignore it and leave him on the plane at the end 

Seriously this story and the people reacting to it shows how people today do not want to follow rules or guidelines and feel so entitled... The dude refused to comply to a valid request and then some people are chocked because they forcely (different than violently) removed him from the plane.

I mean, the only thing that sucks here (imo) is the airliner not being so good at managing their seats :) But nothing else. the dude did not comply and he got removed, sucks, but expected...

IMO this is just another example of corporate america having power over the consumer. In no way should they have the right to remove you from a seat if you paid for it, made plans, took days off, etc. United shouldn't have over sold it's seats. If it needed employees to get to another location they should find a flight that has room and send them on that flght or pay for tickets with another airline to get there. If none of those are an option for them then they should have planned things out better. At the end of the day this is all about poor planning by airlines which is the norm and has stayed the norm because there is no  incentive to change. You have people like this who just feel we should adjust our schdules and lives for the company.