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Machiavellian said:
SvennoJ said:

Where are those federal regulations, it's not in here
Or here

I actually read the regulation and it states airlines can involuntarily force passengers from flights if overbooked.  It does not make any stipulations of whether they are on the plane or not which means airlines can do it at any point they choose.  Actually the only thing the airline has to do is first ask for volunteers before resulting to any measure they deem to use.  The regulations is pretty open on this part and it’s the discretion of the airline how they go about this policy.  Usually this all happens way before boarding but in this case it did not which of course is the problem that got United into this spot.  Interesting enough, when reading the regulations, it appears that United is the least company to bump you off a flight as all airlines have to report this to the DOT.

Which regulations are those? Can't find it in here
It's all about denied boarding, after boarding there's nothing about forcing passengers from flights due to overbooking. (Now they're saying it wasn't even overbooked, perhaps trying to cover themselves with some other obscure rule about making room for employees?)