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This is directly from a similar pole done at gamespot. Make of it what you will. I have used 33% as my conservative estimate (just to apease the fans) while noting that the real figure is probably about 50%.


"Has your Xbox 360 failed? "

Nope. (40%)

Yeah, but I got it replaced for free. (14%)

Yes. And I had to pay to get it fixed. (5%)

Yes! Twice! (5%)

@#$% YES!! More than twice!!!!! (6%)

Pfft! You think I would actually buy an Xbox 360? (27%)


Looking at the above. You would need to count the 4th line twice and the 5th line at least 3 times if you want to know defective rate (we are not looking at sales just defective consoles).

The total then would be about 12,999 problem free. 16,426 defective ( 4783 + 1818 + 1668 x2 + 2163 x3 using a conservative estimate). That puts the failure rate at about 55.8%...