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Imaginedvl said:
SuperNova said:

You keep acting like the airline hadn't royally fucked up here. They lied. The plane wasn't even overbooked. They just wanted to seat their own employees instead of paying costumers. Customers always take presedece over employees, but they decided to boot the customers off anyways AFTER they were already seated.

Just about everything about this was poorly handled and badly planned. They clearly don't know how to run their business.

And yes, they used unneccessary force on a man who had payed for a ticked and that posed no security risk. He wasn't pulling a gun on anyone, he was saying 'I'm going to call my lawyer.' at wich point they decided the best way to resolve the situation was to knock him out.

First of all, no I'm not "acting" in any way... I said multiple time that this is not even the problem here. United may be wrong in the way they overbooked the flight or whatever other reasons they had to remove 4 people from it. But again, that's not even the point...
Second, this has been seen before and explained multiple times, even if you have your own rules about how things are taking prescedence on others, 4 empployees means most likely that they were a crew for another flight resulting in a very bad chain reaction in delays etc for a LOT of people in another airport... I mean, it sucks for the guy but it happens and you coming out with your "lie" accusation will not change it. How do you know that? How do you know better than anyone else the reason United had to abosultly get those 4 employees to the other airport? 

The guy bought a ticket with a contract on it. I mean it sucks; I would HATE to have to -deplane for that too... Like really; I would be pissed.

But no matter what is the reason, at the end when cops are coming and ask you (first peacefully) to de-plane; you de-plane... You just do it and then you can fill a complain, sue the company or whatever... But you listen to the authorities.  

Good for you you don't care about your rights and blindfully listen to authorities, even when they're abused by the airline.

How much is violence worth to you? How far could the airline have gone with offering money to volunteers to deplane? Is $800 dollars already too much and violence is a better solution? Should they have offered $1600 first to find any takers? $5000?

The airline caused their own delay. They could have found nother way to get the employees there or call in other people for work for that day at the other location. They were in the wrong to deplane already boarded people. They created a bad situation and handled it even worse.