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@ Resident Hazard, Yes you are correct. .WHile the xbox in raw specs was more powerful, it was basically an old pc. It's cpu was simlar to a celeron, it's gpu was similar to a geforce 2. These architectures are very inefficient. It may be more powerful, but it can't use all or even most of that power. The gamecube on the other hand was what console processors should look like. The gpu had many seperate components for each thing it need to do graphically. The cpu and gpu I would say were very very very efficient allowing probably 75%+ of the power to be used.
Then you also have the different architectures, affecting how the console does these things as stated in the article. I would say the gamecube was ALMOST on par with the original xbox. NOw the wii does the same thing the gamecube does but faster, and even more efficiently. Theres also additions to the hardware that makes it easier to do some things. The wii compared to the xbox allows for 8x more textures compressed, compared to the gamecube and the original xbox limit at 6x. The wii also has a chip for physics between the cpu and gpu I believe reading somewhere. It has many more things. The wii's architecture probably allows for it to work fully efficient. The ram is faster and there is more of it. There is less latency issues. Alot of things that professional developers ignore, yet others see. It terms of power the wii may be equivalent to the original xbox,when talking from a gpu cpu standpoint, but in terms of overall graphical capabilities it is far ahead the xbox.

That is what I keep saying, but people think im outrageous for saying it. I believe the wii is 2.5 times more capable graphically than the xbox. While in raw power their equal, but the wii has many things the original xbox does, and is able to use more of it's resources because it's highly efficient architecture.


Edit: Oh and in response of the wii being capable of higher resolutions than 480p. Yes I believe it could. WHile it won't look too nice to games pushing the wii in 480p and isn't really pratical. I do believe games like fps' would benefit a little from 720p, but anythng else on the wii would have less than it would in 480p and wouldn't be pratical. I believe maybe some sub hd resolutions that alot of ps360 games have is a more better fit.


Also nintendo never gave official specs. All of the specs came from the developers of the chips or 3rd parties, but none of them went into detail. There is alot we don't know about the wii's hardware, because of this and analysis' won't be too acurate until more is known. I will try to make mine as accurate as possible.