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Hiku said:Really? Did you even read what I said?

What part of my post made you think the issue I have with this is their policy?
It's pretty clear that it's the way he was removed that people have a problem with. Because I'm not complaining about the couple that were removed before him, am I?

And yeah, nothing violent or abnormal about this.

Wish they remove my grandparents this way too.

No... The problem is not with the way... The problem is with HIM resisting and not complying...
What do you expect at some point? they asked him multiple times to leave and he refused. And HE hurted himself by resisting like crazy when they were pulling him out... There is no many way to remove someone from a plane... 

1) You ask nicely
2) You ask nicely again
3) You keep acking nicely because you know... Being nice...
4) You call the authorities... And they ask less nicely
5) They most likely try another time...
6) Then what? They pull your out, forcively... And if you resist like a moron, you can hurt yourself... Oh surprise

I mean at some point people needs to get responsabilities for their stupidity...

I'm really sorry for this dude, it sucks being hurt in any way. Really. But it is 100% his fault and when asked to de-plane, just do it. And yes, you said it this nothing to do with the airline policy (which may be dumb or in that case maybe they could have put those employees on the next flight).

But you know what? The funniest part is that the dude is most likely going to sue and win. Because that's how the system works today; it is so dumb....

It is like pulling a gun on a cop and cry later because you got shot... (well in that case it would be the Internet showing pictures of the dead body and being chocked at the "brutality" and how "violent" the police is and then sue the cop, ruin his family, throw him in jail and so on, right?).