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Correction: PS3 Getting Least Use from All Ages

Nielsen has amended the console use numbers it released yesterday.
by Daemon Hatfield

US, June 5, 2008 - Yesterday the research firm Nielsen released data collected from April 2007 to February 2008 that showed younger gamers spending more time playing the Xbox 360 and older players favoring the PlayStation 3. Nielsen's data showed that gamers aged 10 to 26 spent 63 percent of their time playing the 360 and 12 percent on the PS3. For gamers 27 and older, they appeared to spend almost 52 percent of their time playing the PS3 and only 20 percent playing the 360. Nielsen contacted IGN today to tell us the numbers for the older demographic should have been switched, meaning the 360 is getting the most use across all ages.

A Nielsen representative we spoke with was unsure why the incorrect data was distributed. After the original story went up yesterday our comments system erupted with spirited arguments over which system is superior. This amendment to the data is sure to fuel even more discussion.

The Wii data remains unchanged: in all age groups, it is a distant second in the amount of use it enjoys.