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What I fully expect to see for Wii and DS all around:

Animal Crossing Wii as cross between Sims Online and an MMORPG with keyboard support.
Disaster: Day of Crisis (playable)
The Conduit (playable)
Mad World
Fatal Frame IV (playable)
Final Fantasy CC: Crystal Bearers (Playable)
Wii Music
Tenchu 4
Teaser for Factor 5's Kid Icarus game
Kirby Wii
At least two new franchise/surprise/announcements
Monster Lab
Monster Hunter 3 (playable)
Deadly Creatures (playable)
Red Steel 2
New Raving Rabbids Title
Final Fantasy IV remake for DS
Some older Nintendo franchise(s) suddenly revived besides Kid Icarus (Punch-Out, Mach Rider, Devil World, Earthbound/Mother, Excite Bike, Doshin the Giant, Stafy, Wild Gunmen/Hogan's Alley, Urban Champion, To The Earth, Startropics, Ice Climber, Pilotwings, Uniracers, etc)
Guitar Hero IV/Aerosmith/Metallica all for Wii with downloadable crap
Yet another Mario Party game
That stupid Mario Sluggers game
Sonic Unleashed
No fewer than 3 third party games that are newly revealed at E3; exclusives, mulitplatform--whatever.
Tons of DS RPG's, JRPG's, and Strategy games.
Moon for DS
Mushroom Men DS and Wii (playable)

A Massive Wii Ware showing with several playable titles, and more video demos.
At least one more classic console added to Virtual Console, or moved to new regions (ie, Commodore64 already in Europe, but to be added to US/Japanese VC).


What I sincerely hope we'll see, but doubt:

An announcement from Iwata that a memory/storage solution is underway allowing for external USB flash or harddrive use which reads directly from Channels menu.  Following this, size limits expanded for Wii Ware games.
Golden Sun 3 for DS
Mother 3 port or Mother collection for DS
Pikmin Wii or Pikmin DS teaser
Project HAMMER revived
Chrono Trigger-related announcement:  Either coming to VC, being ported to DS, or remade for DS
Eternal Darkness 2 for the Wii
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles 2 for the Wii
An exclusive RE game to make up for "not giving Wii RE5"
New Donkey Kong adventure.
New F-Zero
New, higher quality Custom Robo or some other originally Japan-only series being taken overseas
Rare or Bungie mysteriously developing or releasing something on an Nintendo system.  Perhaps Rare titles announced for VC.
Brand new Geist with online play.
Firmware update announced allowing of higher resolution "stretch" for Wii on HD-TV's.


I think Nintendo will, as they tend to do, come off as "winning E3" with a bigger show and more impressive and unexpected showpieces and announcements, but I don't believe there will be any word on yet another Metroid or Zelda title.  Potentially, Super Mario Galaxy 2 could be revealed.  Also, there will be no such talk as a Blu-Ray ready Wii, or of a Wii that plays DVD's.  I fear a new peripheral may be announced such as a camera or a microphone that plugs into the Wiimote.