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SuperNova said:
The_Yoda said:

Very true, still I find it hard to believe they put damn near as much into 1-2switch as they did BOTW which is only $10 more with a 6 year development cycle..

Although I haven't played it 1-2 switch shouldn't be more than $30 retail and if they really wanted to showcase the system they should have sold it at $20. That of course would conflict with their software value philosophy .

Both true.

Not completely sure I remember correctly, but I did some research into Nintendos development teams a while back and I think i came to the conclusion that 1-2 switch had roughly a 2-year development cycle. They could, and should have sold it at 30$, but It's selling pretty well anyways, so jokes on us I guess.

Again I haven't played it so perhaps it's waaay more fun than it looks.  That said i think she is a Nintendo midget.  Those little midget legs won't get it anywhere near as far as your typical Nintendo title.  Right now sales can likely be attributed to a lack of other software options.  Once we get some more quality physical releases no one is going to see the midget in the crowd unless they are looking for her.  Time will tell if the joke really is on us or not. For now though you are right, it certaintly seems to be on us.