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Wright said:
naruball said:
What the hell? How come everyone here totally saw this coming, yet in every post about this game all the comments were full of positivity? Something tells me they'd be singing a different tune had it scored well.

I could never be something else than a pessimistic bastard with this game, for some reason. Maybe I'm still sore of Mighty No. 9; but I'm fairly sure that even if this had been a +90 meta game my feelings of "meh" towards it wouldn't have gone away. xD

Yup. I get that.

I'm talking about all the comments on Mighty 9 and that Castlevania game where people were saying that yeah most kickstarter projects seem to fail, but thankfully Yooka laylee will be the exception. And then I come to this thread and it's as if everyone saw it coming. I just don't get it.