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Part two of the news:


Impact Winter, the asteroid strike survival game, has been delayed
Impact Winter follows the struggle of five people to survive in the wake of a massive asteroid strike that leaves the planet enshrouded in endless winter. All seems lost, until a mysterious radio transmission promises, "In 30 days, help is coming." There's no way to tell from where: All you can do is hold out until it arrives. It (the game, not the rescue) had been scheduled for release on April 12, but developer Mojo Bones announced today that it has pushed the launch back to May 23.


Peter Molyneux is working on something new but doesn't want to talk about it yet
Peter Molyneux is described as a "legendary game maker" in a recent interview with Glixel, and to a point it's true. But in more recent years, he's acquired a reputation as a guy who promises too much and delivers too little, epitomized by Curiosity, a game which promised (and failed) to deliver a life-changing experience for the winner, and the Godus debacle that followed in its wake. As you can imagine, his fan base is not quite as wide as it was 15 years ago.


Payroll unpacks its Windows 95-inspired belongings on Steam
"We make games that look and feel like they could've been popular decades ago," reads the landing page of indie developer Astrojone's website. This raison d'etre perfectly applies to Payroll—an office simulation game that surfaced on in late 2015.


Overwatch cheat maker ordered to pay $8.6 million in damages to Blizzard
Last summer, Blizzard filed a lawsuit against German cheat programme maker Bossland for "copyright infringement, unfair competition and violation of the DMCA's anti-circumvention provision". Last month, we learned that the Overwatch developer was seeking upwards of $8.5 million (around £6.83 million) in damages, despite Bossland's resistance, and now it appears a California court has ordered the latter to pay $8.6 million.


Prey 'Hardware' trailer pores over the tools you'll employ on Talos 1
Much similar to its recent 'Playing with Powers', 'Weapons and Powers', and 'Neuromod Research' trailers, Prey's latest trailer focuses on the hardware protagonist Morgan Yu will rely on to survive the Typhon-overrun Talos 1 space station.


GTA 5 physics bug prevents cars from turning left
As outlined by Rockstar last month, GTA 5's online component, GTA Online, introduced the Infernus Classic to its faux Los Angeles bounds last week—the first time the sports car has been seen in this form since 2001's Grand Theft Auto 3 and its loosely-tied 2005 follow-up Liberty City Stories. Since its GTA Online debut, however, it appears this car has one critical flaw: it can't turn left without spinning out.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.