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Veknoid_Outcast said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
The more I play, the higher it goes. It's hard for a modern game to compete with the nostalgia filled joys of my childhood like LoZ, SMB3 or FF4, and a few later titles like AoE. But Breath does, and it may surpass them. It's like a perfect game, I feel like I designed it myself. I think it's my #1.

That's a great way to put it. Often when I'm playing I smile to myself because I'm doing something I would have written into a game :)

Isn't it like that though?  It reminds me of being a 10 year old kid playing Zelda and if you had asked me at the time, what would be the ultimate Zelda, I would have said things like way more weapons to find, way bigger world, beautiful visuals, etc, etc.  The game is like Zelda on steriods, and then some.  Each batch of enemies you find, you start looking for ways to creatively take them out, and anything is possible.  Fly in from above, drop bombs, light flames, whatever.  it's all possible.  Each province is quite litterally the size of a previous Zelda game on its own.  Each shrine like a mini-dungeon.  It's amazing in every respect.