Aj vs Shane - It was great. Aj is my favorite wrestler, but I came into this one skeptical about it because of shane. But damn they delivered. Entertaining the whole way through.
Ko vs Jericho - great match
Fatal 4 way raw women's match - it was decent, the finish came too suddenly with no real build up to it. It just seemed awkward to end it with a elbow drop.
Fatal 4 way tat match - it was awesome, I don't care if it was a spot fest. Seeing the Hardys back and the massive crowd response was awesome. DELETE DELETE DELETE!!
Mixed tag match - I enjoyed it. We all know we weren't getting a master piece, but that crowd was nuts the whole match and made it awesome. I also enjoyed the proposal. I like my feel good moments.
Hhh vs Seth - I don't think it was a bar match, but the crowd was completely silent for most of it. They sort of killed the mood. It's understandable though, after how loud they were the previous two matches it just seemed like they took a break on this one. Match was good none the less.
Bray vs Randy - they proved me right. This match was shit. I didn't think it could be worse than their previous boring ppv match, but it was. Bray has never impressed me in the ring and today was no different.
Goldberg vs Brock - hate all you want, this match was entertaining. Awesome spot fest.
SD women's match - lame, not even surprise entrants. Weak match.
Takers last ride - he deserved better than Ramen rains, horrible match. Good bye to my favorite all time wrestler. You will be missed taker.