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Resident_Hazard said:
Ugh, this thread is awash with half-assed delivery of ideas and some of the worst grammar I've yet seen. Some of you need to reread your replies before you hit the "post" button. Damn.

As per the Wii's graphical capabilities. Super Mario Galaxy showed that there are tons of lighting and shadow effects that the Wii can handle. There's no exucse for developers not being able to strive for similar quality. We're at a point now where all shadows should be real-time and not just some stupid black circle under a character.

God of War showed what kind of immense graphical quality the PS2 was capable of pulling off, and that was the weakest of the last generation. The GameCube was substantially more powerful, graphically. The Wii is twice as powerful as the GameCube, so there's no excuse AT ALL for having lackluster graphical presentations in Wii games.

Thinks should look at least as good as, if not better than, Metroid Prime 1-3, Ninja Gaiden Black, Halo 1 & 2, God of War, Resident Evil 4, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil Remake, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros Brawl, The Conduit, Mad World, etc.

The minimum standard should be God of War.


My opening post was wrong then, there is more power on the Wii than I think it is, if the minimum standard was God of war then the Wii can have a somewhat similar 360/ps3 graphics without a HD graphics.


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out