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Bandorr said:
Zekkyou said:

I never said it was something to brag about, but i also don't see why we'd mock them. Individually they're very tailored experiences that often have tiny marketing budgets, it's hardly reasonable to expect them to pull in Horizon numbers. Collectively though, they're a fairly valuable asset.

I didn't mention multi-plats as you didn't bring it up in the comment i was replying too, though i'm sceptical as how relevant the Scorpio's advantage will be there. A lot of the significance of the PS4's advantage was tied to price, which is a factor the Scorpio is likley to lack. Even then, i'd say it was a helping push rather than anything decisively victory defining.

A lot will depend on how MS market the Scorpio, because as it stands its target audience is quite limited. If someone cares about performance and doesn't already own a console, they're probably already a PC gamer. If they do own one, they then need to care enough to own/buy a 4K TV, then another console that doesn't play any(?) new games.

I always found the target group to be quite small. They have to care more about power than price. Yet not have a PC. Yet also have a 4K TV. Seems an odd targeting.

I do hope both Sony and MS continue to have .5 versions of their consoles, but i think the problem this time round is 4k. It's awesome for someone like me who values image quality and is willing to pay for it, if i wasn't a PC gamer i'd be ecstatic about the Scorpio. For the average consumer though, it's a pretty steep wall to climb.

I think the Scorpio will do a lot better if it can also do 1080p/60fps. It'll still face challenges (price in particular; it'll cost more than a 1080p/60fps X1 should), but it'd be more readily appealing.