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I am interested to see what they show off. However, I very much doubt I will purchase a Scorpio, largely because I have not had the best of experiences with the Xbox One. Each generation I typically go with Nintendo (home console and portable; for exclusives and portability), PC (for multiplatform games), and Sony (home console and portable; for exclusives and portability), with my purchases of systems also being in the aforementioned order. However, this generation I decided to substitute a Playstation home console with an Xbox, and so far I have found little use for the Xbox One considering most of the exclusives are now available on Windows as well and two of the games I was waiting for (Fable Legends and Scalebound, both of which would have also been on Windows) got canceled. I personally hope that with the Scorpio reveal, MS shows some new exclusive titles for their Xbox One eco-system, but if all we end up seeing Forza 7 and some multiplats running 4k then I think I will sell the XOne for a PS4 (nothing against the XOne family, I think they are a good line of systems for those without gaming PCs, but with a gaming PC they just seem a bit redundant since most of MS's exclusive games are already available on PC) .