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Azzanation said:

Even though i have a gaming PC valued over $2600, i am really interested in Scorpio mainly because of playing Halo in 4k would be fantastic. 

Look the cross-play cloud save play anywhere is a dream for pc gamers, buy a game digitally get 2 copies play on your pc, your friends come over? no problem grab 2 controllers and either play split screen or play 1 on the pc and 1 on the xbox togheter, no aditional copies required.

Sure you need xbox live gold to play on the xbox but the online on pc in the same games are free so you don't always need it plus you get the free games either way. Also its super nice to be able to just play alone on the tely and as a game collector being able to play older Xbox360 games in better framerates ánd being able to play the xbox games that didn't come to pc would be worth it alone for me to get an xbox at some point.

The scorpio will also be a nice all-in-one media center with universal windows apps, vlc media player and a UHD drive. In all honesty for its cost its one of the best PC-companions ever, anyone saying microsoft killed the interest of PC gamers isn't correct, they just changed who will buy it and offer more value in general, which should be applauded. I am also going to buy a new PC next year but that Scorpio is coming day 1, cannot wait.

And everyone is so impressed by the specs I have no idea what to expect this week lol :D, anything you want in the console personally?

gtaguidelng said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Meh... if you're sim racing fan you can settle with either, both are top notch sims. Although Forza fans atleast get new games more frequently. But I'm sure PS4 fans still playing GT6...

More importantly, Forza Horizon 3 is king.

Considering the state of xone's exclusives nowadays, good for them i guess.

This is not what this topic is about, go discuss the XBox exclusives being good or not somewhere else. The Xbox has enough exclusives released- and coming if you don't like them thats fine but discuss that somewhere else

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