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Turkish said:
Snoopy said:

Microsoft will have the most AAA console exclusives at the end of the year. Only reason why Sony looks good is all the niche japanese games that hardly anyone buys.

All of these games charted at the top of Amazon charts, Nioh sold 1 million in just few weeks, Horizon nearly 3 million, Nier:A is doing excellent and P5 looks to be another hit looking at Amazon.

Let's face it this is a better line-up than anything Xbox put out in 3 years combined. With GT Sport, UC Lost Legacy and a bunch of other surprises at the end of the year Sony will keep on dominating.

I mean what does Microsoft have, Forza 7, really? Crackdown 3, a game they showed all the waaaaaaay back in E3 2014? Dude the Wii U was new and Nintendo still believed in the system back then!

Since when was Horizon Zero Dawn and MLB17 niche japanese games?

Umm I'm pretty sure Forza Horizon 3 is better than almost all of those games on that list.

Proud to be a Californian.