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Samsung has made the back of the Phone out of Glass. Which is shit. Which means it is an automatic "Hell no".

It wasn't okay on the iPhone 4 . It wasn't okay on the Samsung S6 or Note 5... It's not okay on the S8.

I think my next Phone, I won't be bothering with a high-end Flagship. My Samsung Galaxy Note 5 has been the worst phone I have ever owned, Samsungs support is also garbage.
High-end phones have become uninteresting, overpriced and I am disliking their fragile design, ironically they don't even get supported for that much longer than a mid-range or low-end handset anyway.

Turkish said:

Sony revolutionized the placement of the power button with the Xperia Z, now every phone has the power button on the upper left or right side where it's easily reached with a finger using 1 hand.

No. They didn't revolutionize that placement. Many phones had that placement before the Xperia Z.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--